Spark Points
Starting 2023, this page will update to an index of free printables based on the how-to articles in The Scientist’s Repertoire section of the website. Check back later!
Not sure where to start or what you need?
Try following one of the paths laid out below by reading the options and picking a link. You will be re-directed to a surprise external link that (at best) may spark an idea for what to do next in your own work, or (at worst) will give your mind a brief and interesting distraction. I change the destination of the individual links on a randomized schedule as I find new and curious things on the web. You can also submit a suggestion for a spark point, using the form at the bottom of this page!
(If you see a line through a link, it means the link checker has discovered it’s broken, but I haven’t been in to fix the link yet.)
I want to…
… READ something and I have…
…less than 5 minutes to spend on it.
…less than 20 minutes to spend on it.
…as much time as I want or need to spend on it.
… WATCH something and I have…
…less than 5 minutes to spend on it.
…less than 20 minutes to spend on it.
…as much time as I want or need to spend on it.
… DO something and I have…
…less than 5 minutes to spend on it.
…less than 20 minutes to spend on it.
…as much time as I want or need to spend on it.
… SEE something and I have…
…less than 5 minutes to spend on it.
…less than 20 minutes to spend on it.
…as much time as I want or need to spend on it.
… LISTEN to something and I have…
…less than 5 minutes to spend on it.
…less than 20 minutes to spend on it.
…as much time as I want or need to spend on it.
[Page Feature Photo: A bubble floating by a tree on a summer’s day. Photo by Aaron Greenwood on Unsplash.]