The Illustrated Scientist
Starting 2023, this page will update to an index of free-to-download graphical summaries of concepts, processes, and activities you can use to pursue scientific discovery, like infographics and mind maps. Check back later!
In my “How-To” series of articles, filed under The Scientist’s Repertoire (Tutorials) page, and in my blog, I mention items I used to complete the research that goes into the articles.
These are tools designed by me, for use in my own science, but they may also be helpful to others. In some cases, I add copies of useful items that are free to view, download, or print. You can use them as a starting point, or to try something new, when your own progress toward a scientific discovery goal has stalled out.
If you want to use them in a public setting (classroom, your own talk slides, your website, etc.) please contact me first for reprint permission, by emailing me: thephysicist@insightfulscientist.com.
Click on an item below to interact with it (left and right arrows to flip pages). Or use the buttons at the bottom of the item view to zoom, download, print, or enter full-screen viewing mode.
2018, University of Manchester, Insight Exchange Event Slides
These slides include an overview of the scientific discovery cycle and individual, team, and full group activities.
InSci Tool: Insight Exchange Block Buster Card Template
Fill out this template (it can be resized to print out on the front and back of an index card) any time you are stuck and need to troubleshoot what is blocking your project and how to break through. See the 2018 Insight Exchange Event Slides for instructions on how to fill out the card.
2018, University of Chicago, Dr. Bernadette K. Cogswell Magnificent CEvNS Talk
In the second half of this talk (slides/pages 18 to 23) I briefly discussed the scientific discovery cycle and suggested ways it might be useful in neutrino and particle physics.
Dr. Bernadette K. Cogswell Sketchnote, “The Architecture of Discovery”, 2020
My hand drawn sketchnote gives on overview of all the key concepts that form my definition of scientific discovery. You can read a full overview in my blog post “The Architecture of Scientific Discovery: Overview”.
[Page feature photo: Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash.]